{ µ - o ¶ u l ¼} / BRIT FRESH, Riga, Latvia
@ * - { µ - o ¶ u l ¼}
Saturday 6 November , 2004 11-5pm
Sapnu Fabrika (Dream Factory), Riga, Lacplesu iela
RICHAIR2030 mobilizes renegade roller girls to jumpstart Riga's first wifinet TAZ (Temporary Access Zone) along the city's Lacplesu iela main street. The roaming performance, based on the wifi signal strength transmitted by the homemade w-lan lunchbox chiputers, is visualized in pumping RGB codes on the web, while the signal noise and its sonicscope amplified.
soundscape by: 1010.co.uk

In conjunction with RICHAIR2030 performance in Sapnu Fabrika (Dream Factory), TAKE2030 launches a collaborative freenetwork installation project with brivais vilnis (Free Wave) and organizes a workshop that focuses on social network construct and DIY hands on practices.

installation scheme